September 13, 2021

W3BA Asks ANC 3E to Support Stop Sign for Dangerous Intersection at 41st and Chesapeake Street

Dear ANC 3E,
I am writing on behalf of Ward 3 Bicycle Advocates in support of an ANC3E resolution to support DDOT’s intent to install a 4-way stop sign at the intersection of 41 St / Chesapeake St / and Belt Road NW.  As the ANC is aware, this intersection is particularly dangerous for pedestrians and cyclist under its current configuration, as car traffic bearing right from northbound Wisconsin Avenue is permitted to proceed unabated through this intersection at high rates of speed as it leaves a commuter route to our neighborhood streets.  

In fact, because of the existence of a contraflow bike lane on 41st Street and a signed bike route continuing onto Chesapeake Street, the City actually encourages cyclists to use this very dangerous intersection as their main north/south bike route.  The stop sign will be a great addition, but is hardly sufficient to create a safe intersection.  We would encourage the ANC to ask DDOT for more here, including:

  • Better striping to include 2 green painted bike lane indicating where cyclists are expected to ride in both directions when heading through the intersection.  The current dotted line is insufficient.
  • A sign at the intersection of 41st Street and Wisconsin Ave for northbound car traffic that states Stop Sign Ahead.
  • Signs attached to each Stop sign at the intersection that states: “Cars must yield to pedestrians and cyclists.”
  • Installation of raised cross-walks at each of the existing cross-walks at the intersection, plus installation of a raised cross-walk at the intersection of 41st Street and Wisconsin Avenue.

We hope the ANC can embrace these additional changes as part of the resolution it considers at tonight’s meeting.  W3BA continues to appreciate the support this ANC has provided on cycling related infrastructure in the past, and hopes to work closely with the ANC in the future.

Signed W3BA

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