September 13, 2021

1/20/19 Steering Committee recap

Notes from the W3BA Steering Committee meeting

Attendees: Josh Rising, Steve Seelig, Ryan Keefe, Brett Young, Paul DeMaio, Warren Gorlick, Tom Quinn

  • Connecticut
    • We are expecting the RFP to be released in the next couple of months. Josh will follow-up with Robyn Jackson to get the status update.
    • Paul and Josh met with Theresa Cameron of Van Ness Main Street. This will be the first of many meetings that W3BA will be doing with business organizations along the CT Ave corridor to build support for a protected bike lane on CT. One of the next groups we’ll try and meet with the new Main Street group in Woodley Park.
    • W3BA will pull together agreed upon talking points in doing future meetings like this.
    • W3BA will seek to hold 2-3 hour meeting to focus on Connecticut Avenue in the spring. Will ask WABA to facilitate.
  • Nebraska
    • Josh to follow-up with Jim Sebastian about the widened sidewalk between Wisconsin and Massachusetts that was discussed at the meeting with Commissioner Cheh and Director Marootian.
    • Potential for resolutions out of ANCs 3E and 3D to support this.
  • Massachusetts
    • DDOT could study this as part of the Rock Creek Far West Study. W3BA will need ensure DDOT hears from the community on this.
  • Woodley Place
    • DDOT hasn’t taken any recent steps on this; Josh will reach out to Mike Goodno to get a status update.
  • 34th / Reno
    • No update on the proposed lanes on Reno between Van Ness and Rodman. Will follow-up with the ANC and Mike Goodno to discuss next steps.
  • Palisades Trolley Trail
    • WMATA has proposed demolishing the Foundry Branch Bridge; the Historic Preservation Board denied this move. There was supposed to be an appeal hearing this past week, but it has been postponed due to NPS’s inability to participate.
    • Meanwhile DDOT is studying the issue and will have a report out the middle of this year.
  • Broad Branch
    • W3BA will propose a site visit with DDOT to discuss what can and can’t be done with regard to bike lanes on the road.
  • Western Ave
    • Space for bike lanes on Western between Massachusetts and River. ANC 3E will formally request this of DDOT.
  • Rasing W3BA profile
    • Paul will investigate W3BA hosting a station in Ward 3 on Bike to Work Day.
    • It may make sense to invest in a W3BA banner for events such as this.
    • One spring comes, W3BA will try to have a greater presence at farmers market to raise awareness.
    • Potential topic for a W3BA post on GGW or another site could be widened sidewalks on Nebraska and Massachusetts.

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